So soo excited to be an auntie to another beautiful boy!! With them being in Saskatchewan and us getting close to my due date, I have yet to meet this little man. But the regular photos and videos are making me CRAZY as he is seriously so handsome + the sounds he makes .. gah, I just love him already!

On our yearly Clark camping trip, I was just itching to take them out to do a maternity session by our camp site in Cypress Hills and I am so happy we did! Although it is easier for my brother and I to give each other sly remarks, he actually ROCKED this shoot for what I pictured - Go ty go!

CANNOT WAIT TO MEET MY LITTLE NEPHEW THIS MONTH!! It is going to be the best month having all the boys under one roof!

And after the sun went down we went to the full view of Cypress Hills for one last shot

Jalisse BechtelComment